Sustainable Hotel Secrets

Sustainable Hotel Secrets

We know how important it is to minimise our impact on the environment so we can enjoy the beauty and serenity of nature. There’s a lot that can be done and there’s a lot that’s out of our control, but we want to share with you how we’re doing our best to put the planet first by reducing waste and protecting resources. Read on to discover Camp Bay Lodge’s sustainable secrets!

Why is Sustainability Important?

As natural disasters cause massive damage all over the world, it has become increasingly obvious that we have to take responsibility for the environmental damage that humans have caused and change our ways to more eco-friendly practices. Water is an incredibly precious resource, with freshwater making up only 3% of the water on Earth, and the process of making saltwater drinkable being very costly. That’s why it’s crucial we reduce water waste and implement greywater systems in our gardens. 

Likewise, plastic waste is making some coastlines around the world unsuitable for human or animal life, as 32% of the world’s plastic packaging ends up in the sea, and 73% of all rubbish found on beaches is plastic. Since 79% of all plastic becomes landfill or pollutes the environment, if we’re going to look after our environment, including our precious waters and marine life, we have to reduce our plastic use, and recycle and reuse as much as we can. 

roatan beach restaurant view

roatan beach restaurant seafood

Art of Living

roatan east end hotel

roatan hotel view

eco lodge beach roatan

Book Your Camp Bay Stay!

At Camp Bay Lodge, we pride ourselves on our eco-friendly practices while ensuring the comfort and enjoyment of our guests. Book your stay now, or contact us for more information.

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How is Camp Bay Lodge Helping?

Roatan is an incredibly beautiful island, and we want to keep it that way! That’s why we’ve taken measures to reduce our waste, energy-consumption and recycle as much as possible. 


There’s more to a sustainable hotel than the rooms, and our kitchen is the heart of ours, serving fresh food from 7.30 am to 19.30 pm to guests and visitors alike. We buy our fruit, vegetables and fish from local markets to reduce the carbon emissions caused by transportation as well as support our local farmers and fishermen.

Rachel, our head chef, makes all of our bread and cakes herself, from largely locally-sourced ingredients, which further reduces transportation and plastic use while supplying our guests with delicious produce.

Kitchens can produce a lot of waste, from leftover food to the packaging of ingredients. All of our food waste is fed to pigs, just a few kilometres down the road from the hotel, as an eco-friendly disposal method. What’s more, we don’t have much packaging since the majority of our ingredients are locally sourced, and we’re working on ways of recycling the little rubbish that we do produce.


All of our boutique hotel rooms are unique with their own character. However, every room is fitted with flexible wooden louvred shutters, so that the air current may easily pass through, cooling the rooms and reducing the need for air conditioning – although we do have air conditioning for the very hot days. Of course, each room also has mosquito nets fitted to the windows for the comfort of our guests. 

We have also fitted LED lights and modern appliances in our rooms and restaurant, as they are more energy-efficient and reduce electricity usage. Our housekeepers also follow sustainable practices, cleaning rooms with non-toxic chemicals, which are known to be safer for our waters and environment in general.  


One of the main factors that makes a garden unsustainable, is the sheer quantity of water used to maintain the plant life. That’s why xeriscaping is the future of manmade gardens. 

Xeriscaping involves using drought-resistant native plant species in a garden and greatly benefits the environment. Native plants are accustomed to their habitat and so require less water, no changes to the soil consistency or pH levels, and they have a natural resistance to pests. This means, less water is used, no CO2 is released into the atmosphere due to soil tilling, and no fertilisers are needed to keep the plants healthy. 

When a diverse range of native plants is chosen, they become a welcoming habitat for local wildlife, and further reduce maintenance as weeds have no room or resources to grow. 

The water that we do use to maintain our gardens comes from our greywater system. That means, the water used in showers, sinks and washing machines, gets stored for later use and reused for irrigating the trees and shrubs surrounding us.


The strong winds and waves can sometimes wash up a lot of waste onto the beach. While most of it is natural, algae and seaweeds, intertwined with the leaves, you can often find plastic bags and bottles. Our maintenance staff help us clean the beaches of this waste each morning and we encourage our guests to help keep our natural environment clean by putting their rubbish in bins located on either side of our restaurant.

If you want to help further, our kitchen staff are happy to give out bin bags to anyone who wants to help by collecting rubbish as they take a stroll along the beach.

We know that big corporations and manufacturers are causing the greatest amount of pollution and damage to our environment, but together, we can make a positive difference. beachfront roatan hotel




When is the Best Time to Visit Roatan?

When is the Best Time to Visit Roatan?


A Caribbean island north of Honduras’ north shore, Roatan is an ideal holiday destination. From long sandy beaches and tropical forests to vast marine life, it has a lot to offer for any kind of holiday, but choosing the best time to visit Roatan can be tricky.

Since the annual temperature only differs by 8°C, day and night, with lows at a very mild 25°C, the climate can be welcoming all year, especially to divers who can enjoy the warm waters and aquatic life. However, the rainy season may be off-putting to some, so it’s important to time your stay well. 

We’ve put together the best parts of each season, to help you decide when to visit Roatan.




At the beginning of summer in Roatan, the weather starts to heat up, reaching around 32°C daily. This humid, tropical heat can be very enticing to some people, so if you visit the island in the summer months, make sure you bring a good sunscreen. July is considered the hottest month, and the heat makes the sea all the more inviting, so pack your swimming costume and snorkel if you have one – if not, there are plenty of places to rent gear all along the coastline. 

A common question when talking of the Roatan climate is: “are there mosquitoes in Roatan?” And yes, there are. Since the island has a regular eastern wind, however, the mosquitoes don’t pose much of a problem, and cases of malaria and dengue fever on the island are incredibly rare.

You can witness more turtle nesting in summer with Camp Bay welcoming more of these cute sea creatures in June. 




Rain continues into December, however January sees the peak of the rainfall. Unlike other tropical countries, rainy season largely means heavy showers rather than continual rain, and most of it occurs in the early mornings, so you can still enjoy a pleasant day out. Thanks to this, the island is still a popular destination for the Christmas holidays and New Year celebrations. 

The brilliant greenery in the island’s forests remains luscious through to spring as the rains end, so to get the most out of it while still staying dry, February is a great month to stay in Roatan. February is also the month of love, with Valentine’s Day in the middle, and at Camp Bay Lodge, we can make your romantic getaway extra special, find out more here








Spring is possibly the best time to visit Roatan as the combination of great weather, animal life, and holidays and events means there is plenty of time to sunbathe and unwind, or, if you prefer, get active. March marks the beginning of the dry season in Roatan so you won’t be bothered by any showers, and the temperature is starting to warm up again towards 30°C so you can really make the most of the pristine beaches and crystal clear waters. 

March also sees the beginning of turtle nesting season on the island. There are many different nesting sites across the island, but in March, they can be seen nesting on the Camp Bay beaches on Roatan’s East End.

Also sometimes in March, but more often in April, we have the Easter holidays. This is a popular time for tourists to visit the island due to school holidays, however it’s also a great time to see how the locals celebrate. Roatan has a large cultural mix, so you can see different celebrations across the communities on the island. 

April is also the month of the annual Garifuna festival in Punta Gorda. With singing, dancing, eating and drinking, this is a fun event to get involved with.

For fans of apnoea diving, despite being able to enjoy the island all year round, you can also visit in May to witness the island’s annual freediving competition. Also, while kitesurfing season may already be well under way, by spring, there are fewer showers than in January and February, so more time to get out on the water.




The end of summer also sees the tourist season wind down as the temperature begins to drop and the rainy season begins. September is usually very pleasant, as in spring, however the rains in October through to December mean the end of the kitesurfing season and less pleasant beach walks and swimming. However, the rainy season in Roatan can be incredibly scenic, so if you prefer to get out of the crowds and enjoy a quiet break on the island, complete with incredible thunderstorms and hikes through strikingly lush greenery, then autumn is the best time for you to visit Roatan

In Autumn we also have a few Honduran national holidays on the island. Come join in the celebrations on 15 September for Independence Day, 3 October for Soldier’s Day or 21 October for Army Day celebrating the overthrow of dictator Julio Lozano Díaz in 1956. 

What’s more, since the temperatures are falling and schools are restarting, the off-peak season in Roatan can often make everything from flights and car rental to accommodation much cheaper. 



There is no definitive ‘best time to visit Roatan’ as each season has great positives for every interest. Camp Bay Lodge has something for everyone, whether you’re looking to get away from the city and unwind surrounded by nature, or get active out at sea. 

Book your stay or take a look at our other blogs

Getting Around Roatan

Getting Around Roatan


Roatan might be a small island, at just 77 km across and 8 km from North to South, but it can still be difficult to navigate due to the still-growing infrastructure. Boats are one of the most common and easy ways to get around the island for the locals, but with the roads being built further East, it’s becoming just as easy to take a form of taxi or bus. Keep reading to learn how to get around Roatan.

Travelling to Roatan

Arriving on the island is very simple as there are only two options: by air, and by sea. You can fly to Roatan from Toncontín Airport in Tegucigalpa or Ramón Villeda Morales Airport in San Pedro Sula directly with CM Airlines, arriving at Juan Manuel Gálvez Airport in Coxen Hole, in the West of the island. A very small airport, it was updated in 2013 to include some cafes, restaurants, a pharmacy and a small duty free section. 

Or, if you’re travelling from further afield, you can fly directly from Miami Airport with American Airlines, or George Bush Airport in Houston, Texas with United Airlines. 

If you want a more eco-friendly means of transport, you can also take the ferry from La Ceiba, in mainland Honduras, and arrive in Coxen Hole port. Galaxy Wave Ferries have two journeys per day, you can see their schedules here, as do Utila Dream Ferries, whose schedules and prices you can find here. 

For more useful information on what to bring with you and what currency to use on the island, see our blog on Travelling to Roatan




east end roatan ocean view

Should I Rent a Car in Roatan?

It can be beneficial to rent a car while you’re in Roatan, so you can have the freedom to move around the island as you please, however, it’s not necessary in order to get around. 

You can rent cars at Juan Manuel Gálvez Airport, or if you decide when you’re already here, then your hotel can help you arrange a car rental. Dilbert car rental is available in Politilly Bight in the East, where there are also ATVs available to rent, for a different view of the island.

You can rent scooters while in Roatan as well, but make sure the rental company gives you a good quality helmet. The police can be very strict on road safety, and it’s important to prioritise your own safety regardless. Your hotel can also help you arrange this. 



There are plenty of ways of getting around Roatan, whether you drive along the coastal roads to take in the sea view, or take a boat trip to get an outside view of the island. At Camp Bay Lodge, we pride ourselves on ensuring our guests have the best possible island experience. Discover our hotel, or find out everything you need to know about Roatan here.



Getting Around the Island

Most Roatan blogs will tell you that the East of the island is virtually unreachable, but not anymore. As more and more people search for a peaceful break surrounded by nature, the East end is growing in popularity and is becoming more easily accessible. How do you get from the West End to the East End and back? You’re about to find out!

How Do I Get to the West End?

The West End is actually not the most western point of Roatan, but rather, a popular area for tourists on the north shore in the west side of the island. Just 10 km from Roatan airport, you can take a taxi or drive to West End in 25 – 30 minutes, either taking the northern coastal road through Sandy Bay or the southern coastal road through Gravel Bay. From here you can continue for another 10 minutes down West Bay Road to arrive in West Bay, the furthest point West in Roatan. There is also a public bus to the West End from Coxen Hole, although there are no official stops, so you have to wave down the bus and tell the driver when you need to get off.

You can also take boat trips from many points along the West coast all around the island, just head to the beach and ask!

It’s a popular area for diving, watching sunsets and visiting the famous Gumbalimba Park, so a trip out West should not be missed while you’re in Roatan.

How Do I Get to the East End?

To reach the East end of Roatan, you can take the Carretera Principal eastwards, through French Harbour, to arrive in Politilly Bight, Punta Gorda, Oakridge or Camp Bay. To reach the easternmost point of Roatan, Santa Elena, or St Helene, you’ll have to take a boat as there is a large mangrove forest separating the island. You can do this via water taxi from Oakridge, where you can also take a mangrove tour or snorkelling tour around the many shipwrecks, islands and the barrier reef. 

If you don’t want to rent a car or take a taxi, there is also public transport on the island. A bus runs from Coxen Hole to Oakridge approximately every 20 minutes, and costs less than 2$. From here you can take a mototaxi (like a tuk tuk), a water taxi, or a normal taxi, to complete your journey. Bear in mind, however, that there are no public transport services on Sundays!



beachfront roatan hotel