Our story, like many good ones, is a story about passion, determination, and little bit of boldness!


It started with the dream of living by the sea, sharing our love for slow living and mindfulness, and more than anything: we wished this project to be the living proof that anyone could reach their dream. That everything was possible.


Chris and I (Marilou) meet on the kitesurfing path years ago while exploring the world. Back then, I was driven by the desire to have my own space or center, where I could share my learnings and passion about life & wellness. Chris happened to be just the right person and bold enough to jump in with me. From scratches, but lots of love, we started the biggest adventures of our lives. In 2012, backpacks and a few kites in hands, our kitechool took form. We kept searching for the next step, trusting life would guide us again.


In 2015, previous owners of The Lodge reach out to us. They had heard about our work with the community. From there, Chris magically was able to buy the Lodge and found some last-minute investors to help us complete the steps. Thanks to their help, we shared part of the road for a few years.

There has been lots of learnings (believe me!), not always easy, but never boring. We, the staff, us and The Lodge have grown together and that is to us, the biggest secret. The Lodge is simple, but we’ll tell you one thing: it is the expression of all of us, our colours, our authenticity. The Lodge is a place with soul, it is not just “a business, it is a place where we wish you can meet with yourself and connect with what is there for you.

Until then, you can get to know all of us!


Rachel is your guaranteed morning sunshine. She will be there greeting you with your morning coffee or tea, and a fresh homemade breakfast. She has been with us since we opened the Camp Bay Lodge and is actually The Lodge’s longest time employee as she was with the previous owners since they initially constructed The Lodge. Rachel is a native of the Camp Bay Village, and along with her extended family support many of the activities of the Patronato. Ask Rachel anything about The Village and she will be a wealth of information.


Savani, also from the camp bay village, has been a recent addition to our team. She has been learning bars and services skills quite rapidly. We are excited to get to know her better over this season.


Kite Team

Junior is our big support from St. Helene and he is been teaching beginner lessons for 2 years. Students appreciate his calm & clear instructions. He is extremely methodical and makes sure you hit those milestones to become a self sufficient kitesurfer. You’ll be in the best hands and knowing someone is seriously looking after you and dedicated to your progress and safety.


Kite Team

Jardale has been helping us since Day 1 when we used to live door by door in the village. Many guests have him in good memory because of his kind personality and helpful attitude. He usually is assisting on the beach or driving the rescue boat but has started to do the next step and is teaching beginner lessons and taking on supervision with guests not quite ready to be by themselves. Invite him for a boardgame or any other fun activity if you want to get to know him.